To help me create your perfect nest, please choose:
1. silver or gold wire
2. how many eggs, and what colors- white, birthstones, or pink and blue for boy or girl
{I use pearls for the eggs. Some of the colors I have to create on my own, so they are dyed and sealed with a clear coat. Some pearls I buy already colored}
The chart above is the colors I use for the birthstones-
PLEASE NOTE: April birthdays will be a white egg
October is an Opal OR the Rose Zircon, so the Opal choice will be a white egg too
3. chain length of 18 or 24 inches
The price is $25.00, and $5.00 for shipping
4. I only accept PAY PAL
{when you place your order, please send me your email and I will send you an invoice}
thank you!
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